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Dexpan Expansive Demolition Grout 11 Lb. Bucket for Rock Breaking, Concrete Cutting, Excavating. Alternative to Demolition Jack Hammer Breaker, Jackhammer, Concrete Saw, Rock Drill #1 (77-104 F)


Concrete Demolition and Rock Breaking has never been easier with Dexpan® Expansive Demolition Grout. Dexpan® is a powder with amazing 18,000 PSI expansive strength when mixed with water. Poured into drilled holes, Dexpan® can break concrete and rocks safely and quietly, while providing SILENT cracking. It is safer, easier and more cost effective. Note 1) Not recommended for concrete slab less than 6″ in depth. Note 2) You are getting one 11 Lb. Bucket of Dexpan which fills up to 9 lineal feet (2.5 m) of 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) diameter holes. Note 3) Choose correct type of Dexpan® based on rock / concrete temperature. How to use Dexpan? STEP 1) Drilling: Use 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) drill bit, holes should be drilled 1 ft (30 cm) apart. 80-90% of the depth, DO NOT go through. STEP 2) Mixing: In a bucket, combine 0.4 gallons (1.5 liters) of water with one 11 lb. (5 kg.) bag. Mix well to a slurry. (a drill and paddle is recommended) STEP 3) Filling: *Warning: Use of Dexpan in extreme hot temperatures could cause blowouts. Dexpan® slurry should be poured into holes within 10-15 minutes after mixing. Coverage: Normally one 11 lb. (5 kg.) bag can fill up to 9 lineal feet (2.5 meters). STEP 4) Cracking Or Breaking Time: Properly mixed, the cracks may appear after 2-8 hours. Allow 24 hours for best results. **WARNING** IMPORTANT SAFETY PRECAUTIONS and FIRST AID: 1) **WARNING** BLOWOUTS may occur! DO NOT look directly into filled holes. 3) Do not breathe in dust. Avoid eye and skin contact. If eye or skin contact should occur, rinse it off IMMEDIATELY with plenty of water and consult doctor. 4) Keep Dexpan® in DRY storage. Seal box / bag after use. 5) Keep out of reach of children and pets. 6) MSDS (material safety data sheet) is available upon request. * Please leave a Review, we’ll send you a FREE Dexpan Hat.


Concrete Demolition and Rock Breaking has never been EASIER! 3 Easy Steps to use: Drill, Mix, Pour. Amazing 18,000 PSI expansive strength when mixed with water. Cracks according to drilling patterns. Dexpan breaks Reinforced Concrete & Rock WITHOUT Noise, Vibration! SILENT Controlled Demolition. Hundreds Job photos! Alternative to demolition hammer breaker, diamond blade gas saw, jackhammer 11 Lb. Bucket fills up to 9 linear ft. of 1.5 in. diameter holes. Choose Rock / Concrete Temperature

SKU: 92C69AEF Category:


